Hey There, welcome to the series A Mile in Her Shoes. Volume 1

The first time I was raped was by a neighbour at the young age of 6… I was a child.

The second time was when I was 12, by another neighbour this time we have moved houses, I am sure you wondering is there more, Oh yes there is more. I wrote it all down as a memoir in my first book titled HIDDEN IN HIS STRENGTH (Memoirs of a sexual abuse survivor).

I gradually grew up into this young attractive fair-skinned, curves in the right places kinda girl who’s skin tone would light up the place from a mile away. It’s safe to say I’m a pretty girl no pun intended, I was beautiful, I was churchy, I had passion, I loved God, but something was broken on the inside, I was messed up on every side and in every sense of the word.

I was going to church, playing religion, on the flip side, I was fighting all sorts of demons and keeping all sorts of secrets. I knew something was broken in me but I couldn’t figure it out and I couldn’t fix me, every time I tried I failed.

I had no sense of direction, I didn’t know what I wanted to do or want out of life. I was pulled in all sorts of directions. I was running a race that wasn’t even mine. I followed everyone and everything.

I was constantly living in shame, guilt, fear, and despair

Abba showed up and revealed himself to me. I realised he protected me from all harm and danger and thereby preparing me for such a time like this. Until I started to live in His promises until I discovered purpose the reason why he kept me, Why he was grooming and why He sheltered me. I realised I am alive for a reason and empowered for such a time as this. I stopped focusing on the things around me, but kept my gaze on him, I fed on the word of God, I researched people who had similar experiences and have overcome it and I listened to them. There was a time I listened to Joyce Meyer’s messages day in day out.

I shut out the noises, I allowed the spirit of God to take hold of my life, I sought both spiritual and psychological counsel. I knew if I wanted to be whole and speak my truth I needed to be whole,

I realised there was a problem and I desired for a real change, I started seeking answers, I sought help and asked questions and he answered them. I am still seeking answers and He still answering them.

God was prepping me for purpose, which is way beyond me, I couldn’t continue to be this broken, hurtful, spiteful and bitter person that o have become.

Abba is with me the whole time, walked with me, never left my side, shared my pain, my shame, my guilt, my tears, and sheltered me. He has always been my shepherd I lacked nothing, He made me lie down beside still waters, He restored my soul, Even when I walked through the valley of the shadow of death, I did fear evil but he sheltered me, His rod and His staff comforted me, He prepared a table before me right in the presence of my enemies surely goodness and mercies shall follow all the days of my life.

I sought after Him and I found Him, I dropped religion it wasn’t working anymore, He brought me out of the miry clay and she set my feet upon the rock.

This could be you, you can be set free, you can be made whole again. The fantastic thing about meeting God is that when he sets you free, you are free indeed.

When he finished with you your past doesn’t matter, You become a whole new creature. Look at it from this angle it’s like you are starting a new page of a book. That’s how you look in his sight.

Just set you sight on him, don’t look around you, Religion won’t set you free but would rather sink you further in. Choose the audience of one, bow out the old man.

I want to be your friend, That road is terrible Lonely and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst day enemy.

The devil’s goal is to kill and destroy but Jesus said rejoice because I have come so you may have life and even more abundantly.

Don’t go through life alone, Go through it with God and trusted company.

He’s waiting for you with open arms and you might not even know. In your darkest moments He is there to catch you.

I am no more fearful, depressed, suicidal little girl… I am a beautiful woman, Living and walking in the light of Abba, Loving life each day and Embracing new opportunities.

Am I perfect? No I’m not I still make mistakes, But I strive to be better, Learning every time I fall.

You aren’t alone, walk with me. Send me an email, I will pray with you and support you every step of the way.

Please don’t be like me get tested early you deserve to know so you can get the necessary treatment there’s help available only if you ask for it. I can point you in the right direction. I can help you get the help you need, but only and only if you ask for it.

Don’t leave it till too late. Get help today.

Here’s my prayer for you today.

To every Broken heart- I pray for Peace

To every Abused soul- I pray restoration

To every broken spirit- I pray for wholeness

To every person who has lost hope- I pray for perseverance

To every Depressed mind- I pray for healing

To every Battered Body- I pray healing and the will to forgive

To every Troubled heart- I pray for a divine intervention

To every Crooked Path- I pray for

To every Darkened Soul- I pray for Light.

To every Grieving Mind-I pray Comfort.

.The aim of the “A mile in her shoes” series is to bring real-life stories of survivors your way.

Regardless of where you are from, what brings us together is the uniqueness of our stories.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

IfeOluwa Iyaniwura

Founder, Hidden In His Strength.


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