Last night, I had the privilege of attending a monumental moment in my life as a mother. My youngest daughter’s final year school musical production was nothing short of amazing. After watching her practice tirelessly for the past two months, it was incredibly rewarding to witness the culmination of their hard work. As the night came to a close, the headteacher called the students on stage to receive their yearbooks and share their most cherished memories and aspirations for the future. What unfolded was both intriguing and thought-provoking, revealing the dreams and aspirations of these young minds.

Dreams and Discoveries:

It was fascinating to see how the students expressed their dreams for the future. As I observed closely, a pattern emerged. Approximately 75 percent of the boys had their sights set on becoming professional footballers – and they made sure to include the prefix “professional” to clarify their ambitions. Meanwhile, among the girls, a substantial portion shared dreams of becoming doctors or lawyers. Interestingly, most of these girls hailed from Asian or African backgrounds.

A Laughable Stereotype… or Not?

I couldn’t help but chuckle at the overwhelming preference for certain career paths among these young boys and girls. While I don’t endorse stereotypes, it’s worth noting that the desire to become doctors and lawyers remains strong among many Asian and African families. On the flip side, it appears that girls are not encouraged as much to pursue careers in STEM fields or become game developers. This observation raises important questions about the factors that influence career choices and the need for greater encouragement and exposure for girls in these fields.

Unveiling Surprises:

Intriguingly, one of the girls wanted to become a nail technician whilst another girl a hair stylist, although none of the girls of Asian or African descent expressed ambitions to become nail technicians or hair stylists, I won’t delve into the reasons behind this absence. I’ll leave that to your imagination, with a playful grin. However, it’s worth mentioning that the nail technician and hair stylist professions can be quite lucrative, even more so than the average surgeon – an interesting debate for another time.

The Blossoming of Potential:

Despite these observations and light-hearted musings, one thing became abundantly clear – the room was filled with potentials. Watching these kids grow and blossom into incredible young individuals was a joy to behold. Their aspirations spanned across a range of professions, from future football stars and surgeons to engineers and game developers. With 93 bright students in that room, my heart swelled with pride, and I sincerely wish them all the very best for their futures. I did introduce myself to the parents of some of the boys who wanted to become professional footballers, so that when they start making this money I won’t be left out ahahahahah

As I reflect on the magical evening of the school musical production, I am reminded of the rapid passage of time. It feels like just yesterday when Miss J started her journey in Primary school in 2016. Now, as she passes out in the summer of 2023, I am filled with indescribable pride. The future looks promising, not only for my daughter but for all the young talents I witnessed on that stage. May their dreams and aspirations guide them towards a future filled with success and fulfillment.

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments in the section below. Let’s continue the conversation!

By the way just in case you are wondering Miss J wanted to become a Medical Doctor I am sure you are not surprised right ahahahahah

The first photo was Miss J’s first day at Primary School (Autumn 2016) The second photo was her final moments in primary school (Summer 2023) Time indeed flies…..

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