On the 23rd of March, the UK government officially declared a lockdown, I named it “the Stay home Clime”. 

During the last 48 hours,  I have had time to reflect on so many aspects of this sudden change. 

Being a frontline staff, I’ve had my moments of anxiety, moments of slight worrying and jitters! But one thing I keep reminding myself is it could be worse hence I decided to wear my gratitude hat and drop all the worries, anxieties and the jitters in the bin. 

I am grateful to have the strength to serve at this crucial time and be a light to my world at the same time. It’s really humbling and thought-provoking to be able to reassure people and keep having a smile on your face during a crisis.

I have identified a few tips to help get through this period. I hope you find it useful and kindly add yours in the comment box. Let’s learn from one another.  


  1. Relinquish control and take it one day at a time.

You will not be in control and it is okay. Your plans and goals, will be in disarray. 

If you are a control freak like me, who has mapped out his/her entire year, since October 2019, I bet this will shake you to the core. 

Newsflash, I have literally bummed the whole plan and I don’t know what the future holds but I am holding fast to the anchor that stands sure.

Rather than worrying over a situation that is not within your immediate control, why not try to take each day at a time, draw out your daily plan and repeat it daily until this blows over.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV

Remember it’s okay to make fresh starts and it’s okay to make new plans! 

2. Decluttering both your physical and mental space.                                                 

Unlearn, Relearn and Recharge!   Harness and develop your creative side, learn a new skill (I am speaking to myself) you will be surprised what you will find. 

Tidy up your physical and mental workspace (Your Mind) Allow room for fresh ideas. Do a Brain dump, get a Journal, write everything down, dump it and pick out the ones you need for the time being, let go of the rest they can be picked up as you go along. 

3. Take social media breaks- 

Every single time I have turned on the news or visited social media, (WhatsApp is probably the worst of it all). 

Every timeline or newsfeed reeks of Covid-19, dear beloved if it raises your anxiety levels, it’s okay to take breaks. 

Occasionally shut out the noise from time to time

Some people have also taken it upon themselves to be bearers of bad news, they have nothing positive to say, they are obviously anxious which is pretty normal but they are spreading their anxiety by constantly sending out broadcasts and negative news, If it becomes too much, you don’t have to ignore such folks forever, delete, unfriend or block these group of people. You can unblock and readd them when this blows over.

“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.”

Philippians 4:8 NKJV

4. It’s okay not to have a plan!

For folks who have kids and are working from home, I hope you know that it’s okay not to know what to do, it’s okay not to know how to homeschool. School closure has raised anxiety levels for people who are working from home social media isn’t helping matters either, as everyone seems to have everything under control, not many people tell us the Hahahaha moments, Don’t get me wrong I posted a picture of the plan I drew out for my kids during this period because I felt someone in my timeline might find it very useful, it’s just a guide it’s not a reflection of what is actually happening in the real sense of things.

Successful people rise to the level of their systems, not to the level of their goals.

James Clear

You are more likely to be successful if you work with the systems that you already have rather than with your goals.we are not competing no one is going to win the best mum of the Covid-19 crisis, but we will all come out of this stronger and better than we’ve ever been. Take two steps back and take a breather, do what works best for you in the situation that you’ve found yourself, work with the flow, ask for help if you need it.

If all your kids have done since the stay home ban is watching TV  Don’t allow the Mummy guilt take over, you are doing the best you can out of a very strange situation, remember it’s new for them as well as yourself and you are just trying to come to terms with this new arrangement.

5. REST!

Have you thought about taking this time out to REST! Sleep, snore, have a shower at 6 pm in the evening, play around in your PJ’s 


Guess what “The aspire to perspire” “successful people don’t sleep” preachers are all sleeping in their homes right now as we speak, We are all forced to stay indoors. 

Lazy around, sit out in your garden, watch the blue skies, stay up in your robe at 7 pm It’s okay please! 

In addition do not isolate yourself, check in on your neighbours, FaceTime your family, allow the kid’s FaceTime and video call their friends. Schedule time out with your family as you would normally do when you are out and about. 

Lastly My heart goes out to anyone who is experiencing abuse at home during this strange time, I pray the Lord will stop the cycle of hurt and shame! 

Unfortunately there will be people who have no means of escape during this period, there is a community out here thinking of you and praying for you. 

Keep an eye on the vulnerable people around you, watch out for them, be kind to people during this time, the lockdown will affect people in different ways, be sensitive to people’s situations if you can’t make it better don’t make it worse either by the words that proceed out your mouths or by your attitudes.

We haven’t been here before, It’s all-new grounds for us all, it’s okay to feel one type of way, We are all in this together and we will definitely pull through.


There is a song which I will love to share with you it’s titled “Breathe” by Dunsin Oyekan

The lyrics says Father to Child, Spirit to Spirit, Lighted by your word, with your breath of life, that’s how I come alive, that’s how I change my world. Check it the video out HERE

This will pass and the light will definitely shine again.

Love and Light.


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